Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Geoffrey Bawa...

nie le Geoffrey Bawa...ha ecem tak..?
maybe 1 day aku nak jd mcm die..insyaAllah...

chaiyok ely..!!!

What is Urban Design?

Urban design is the process of shaping the physical setting for life in cities, towns and villages. It is the art of making places. It involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, and establishing the processes that make successful development possible.


saya amat meminati arkitek Geoffrey Bawa. bagi saya design die menarik..kalo kekawan nak tgk try view page die..kebanyakkan design die menggunakan pencahayaan semulajadi.. yang menarik nye tentang beliau ni suke menggunakan konsep 'Tropical Modernism'.

nie bangunan yg paling saya minat...

Kandalama Hotel

Project Name: Kandalama Hotel

Year: 1994

Owner: Kandalama Hotel

Location: Dambulla, Sri Lanka

BuildingType: CommercialGreenroof

Type: Extensive

Greenroof System: Custom

Roof Size: 5000 sq.ft.

Roof Slope: 1%

Access: Inaccessible, Private

Submitted by:

Designers/Manufacturers of Record:Architect: Geoffrey Bawa

The tropical hideaway of the Kandalama Hotel allows visitors to explore the many wonders of Sri Lanka. This modern eco hotel is designed to blend into the jungle with a green roof and planted facade. Tucked away in a virgin tropical jungle overlooking the Kandalama tank and the range of knuckles hills, lies Kandalama Hotel occupying one of the most exotic sites in the heart of the Cultural Triangle. Archaeological, cultural and wildlife interests a bound. Tropical jungles, calm waters and the mountain rock countryside of Kandalama offer the eco-friendly visitor natural absolute luxury.
The Kandalama Hotel was designed from 1991 - 1994 by architect Geoffrey Bawa.


arkitek pilihan JIJAH ialah NORMAN FOSTER.
memula skali saya knai dia ne (cewah macam adek bradek plak ngan dia) time saya tgk building dia kat seberang london bridge tu.tepegun gak,dalam hati, "sapa la yg buat bangunan ni...macam teloq ayam pun ada gak"
maklum la time tu xreti g architecture tu apa.
tp tu dulu,skarang dah masuk line ni,tau gak la sikit sbnyak pasai arkitek ni.
lagipun pnah buat research pasai arkitek ni sem4 sijil dulu.

dis is his official website :

& dis is his talk on green agenda at Munich Germany

Monday, September 22, 2008


kekawan sume..

nie infomation untuk korg sume..

kalo korg nak wat model leh r gne board nie.pic sblah nie contoh model yg gne board nie..budak U sume da gne board nie...kelebihanye..

  • murah

  • senang dapat

  • senang potong..

  • tak mnyusahkan..

  • senang gam..

  • mudah bentuk..(lg2 curf)

  • hasil model nnt pasti menarik..hehhehe..

name board tu model board..

colour coklat..

korg leh r dapat kn kat gallery art (area kepong) or westar (area melawati).

korg gne pasti puas ati le..hehhehe.


jack spairow ngn member2 nye..hahhahaha..

lakonan kami mse gi USM..hahha..

comment ek pic nie..tgk tol2 tau pic nie..sume muke da berubah selepas nie di make over..hehhehe

lawatan ke UITM..

mase nie kami di UITM untuk xplore ttg retreat house..

bes2 gak hasil keje bebudak UITM..byk infomation yg kami pelajari..hasilnye tgu....heheh

njoy gak gi sne..kami dapat tgk design2 student sne.hmmm...dorg byk gne gempak2 gak..

aku nie kagum gak..n akan usaha utuk jadi mcm dorg..korg sume mesti leh wat..hidup POU...heheh

abg JKR..

comelnye en fikri bg en Najib buah tgn dr PUO..program nie ajuran dr unit seni bina..

byk gak maklumat yg kami dapat dr beliau..gler2 sume hasil keje die yg di paparkan.. kagum gler r kami sume..time kasih pd unit seni bina coz ajurkan program mcm nie..

lps nie leh r wat yg lebih gempak lg..hehehehhe..

lawatan ke bomba..

nie pic kami mase lawatan ke bomba ipoh..ajuran dr kumpulan kami..BUNCIT_SENA..

ha..ecem tak tuan bomba kite..hehehhe..tuan ashikin..

lecturer kami pn zahariah yg cun n en sid yg ciut..

bes tau..byk maklumat yg kami dapat dr sni..dapat mkn bayk lak tu.hehehhe...

hope lps nie bebudak leh wat program yg lg bes...